AMBIENTE Z1 is an interdisciplinary art collective formed by Xenia Capacete (art and fashion curator), Geraldiny Guerrero (plastic artist and editor) and Lorenzo Galgó (interdisciplinar artist). As a collective, our artistic, archivist and outreach practice seeks to generate spaces of creation from where we can develop shared knowledge, allowing us to investigate controversial and complex topics around ecology, the digital and the dis and misinformation.
Otras Naturalezas is an artistic piece where we propose other natures: a series of ideas, images, videos and references interconnected that reject the dominant western narrative of the natural. A view that has dominated our society from darwinism to the flemish still life.
In Otras Naturalezas we share with the viewer an ecosystem of ideas that erase the duality of cultural-natural and propose a vision of knowledge interconnected and in gradients. Our notion of knowledge comes from the idea of connectivity by Donna J. Haraway. Professor Haraway argues that knowledge has to be understood as a broad, complex, contradictory and interconnected mix of concepts. Thus, Haraway states that we need to strive for non-simplifying narratives and accept the complexities of reality, understanding them as interconnected lines. Transversality.
Otras Naturalezas does not escape from the otherness, but instead embraces the Xeno. We understand the importance of embracing exceptions as a way to dissolve the over-simplifications of the traditional narratives of the natural. In this archive of images we have highlighted three concepts, Morphology Freedom, Crip Landscape and Bestiaries, all which involve the viewer into the creative process to form other natures.